Sunday 27 September 2015

Brutally honest

I pulled the earplugs out of my ears and paused the song I was listening to on my phone, when the short story I was reading on wattpad came to an end. It was more of a chat conversation than a story, though. It was 6:07 p.m. I had seventeen hours of journey left. That was a lot, I thought. I had planned on writing it a few chapters for my book but that seemed to be pretty difficult, so I dropped the idea.

I had watched a couple of videos on Carrie Fletcher's channel, which I saved offline on YouTube. There is something about her voice and her expressions that attracts me. Her accent is kinda Scottish and I absolutely love it. It is very much formal compared to the American accent. And one of the videos was about Brutal Honesty, something that I've been thinking about lately.

She stressed on the fact that the idea of truth to be linked with being rude is absolutely ridiculous. It is not necessary that you are supposed to be rude when you are revealing the truth. When you have the choice to tell the same thing in a polite manner, I don't understand why you wouldn't. Who says that by being polite, you are being less honest? What makes you think that being kind would make others think that you're being fake? How can you be brutally mean to a person and defend yourself that you're just "being honest"?

I strongly believe that it is unfair to tell someone straight on their face, in a mean way, that they're dress doesn't suit them. Or that the food they cook didn't taste good. Or that their speech in the assembly didn't sound appealing. I mean, you could probably say something like, "hey I think you should add some more salt". You get what I mean, right?


  1. That's interesting Megz. Sometimes children are "brutally" honest and we find it adorable. Mr Spock from Star Trek was unable to lie, I think, and he is very well loved for that. There is a way to be honest and kind. Maybe people also need to work on not being hyper sensitive. and not needing so much approval from others.

    1. Kids are adorable no matter what they do or say :) Because their mind is unbiased :) You mean like, standing up for your idea without considering how society would respond? Totally.


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