Friday 5 September 2014

Is it really that easy to Lie?

Lies are not something we discuss often. But I was just wondering, since lately, I have been reading books where these intentional false statements just change people's lives!
It's not that we always have to stick to being honest in what-so-ever situation, because, hiding the truth actually makes things better at times, but a life-worsening lie, just for the spur of the moment, well it's not just acceptable. 
And moreover, a lie isn't something that clears up everything. It's the opposite. It starts everything!
It leads to more and more lies, just to cover that one lie. And definitely, you choose to lie and cover things up rather than spent loads of apologies, tears and energy and confess the truth!
To be honest, I was surprised at the wikipedia article about a 'Lie'. There was lots of matter in it. There were thirty different types of lies and their consequences and what not!

Here's another thing I might have found interesting:
 It is at the age of about four and a half years, when children begin to be able to lie convincingly. Before this, they seem simply unable to comprehend why others do not see the same view of events that they do—and seem to assume that there is only one point of view, which is their own.

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