There is a small aquarium in our house. It has around 12 small fishes. You know, the kind that reproduces a hell lot? Mom identified a couple fishes that are giving birth to young ones and once she saw the fishes eating the newborns immediately. So she took a small glass and removed the surviving newborns from the tank and put them in a separate wine glass. I pointed out that it was totally against nature. Isn't it the law of life that the mother fish eats some of its offsprings? And then it hit me, that the whole idea of an aquarium at home is unnatural. The fishes in it are not the kind of species that could probably survive in rivers/oceans.
And as always, I wondered if I could relate this to something in our daily life. We often blame ourselves for doing things wrong, but what we don't realise is that it is okay to do wrong to sort out something that was already wrong. Why is it that whatever I start with, I end up concluding that there's no Right or Wrong in life..
Sometimes we think too much about not adhering to age-old rules. But look at how much our society had changed. With technology invading every nook and corner of our lives, nothing is natural anymore. And that probably means there is no point in holding on to the principles we once had. I'm not generalizing, but perhaps, there are some things that need to be changed. Because we are not anymore living like fish in the rivers or oceans. We have created our own aquariums. We cannot sustain our unnatural lives with natural perceptions.
This can be reacted to in two ways. First, go back to living natural, so that we can use our age-old principles, or Second, continue on the path of technological development and bury these perceptions. Today, many of us are trying to go back to how we used to live earlier.... trying to bring back the natural touch into our lives. But many more of us are finding happiness in the unnatural, and as a result, we are advancing towards that.
About me, you ask? I'd probably be trying to find a balance between the two somewhere, because both of those extremes don't sound any comforting to me.
I'd say it's pointless whenever humans try to find balance, someone is always out there who wants to stir up anarchy and chaos. So good luck in finding your balance in this twisted cruel world.
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