Sunday, 5 June 2016

I'd not meant that.

Do you ever fear being misunderstood? The constant nagging in the back of your mind that probably something you said to someone has been perceived in a wrong way?

Isn't it unfair that I worry for a mistake I haven't made? Isn't it unfair that I keep punishing myself for words that were never spoken? Why does one's conscious pester them to make things right, when they were never done wrong by him/her?

To me, it all sounds like an obsession of being perfect. Of being clear. Of never being misunderstood. Of never causing problems, with or without one's knowledge. But not everything is perfect. I think, perfection is relative. So why dwell on it? Once our part is played, we should just leave the game. It isn't really our duty to see if others are playing right. Also, it isn't our duty to make sure that everybody knows what our intention behind that move is. Because, if we concentrate on trying to explain, explanations are all that would be left in our lives. Right?

Misunderstandings bring a wave of guilt. Nobody is at fault, but everybody suffers. Call it my insanity, but I constantly fear my words being misinterpreted. Ambiguphobia, they call it. (That isn't even present in the usual English pocket dictionary. Leave it to me to research on pointless things instead of doing something productive xD). The pathological fear of being misunderstood. In fact, it stops me from expressing a lot of my opinions and that is definitely not a nice thing. 

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