Tuesday, 16 February 2016


Have you ever heard someone say something to you and wondered, 'Why didn't they tell this to me earlier? Had I been in their position, I would have broken the news to them the millisecond that I'd receive it!' We often have certain expectations from certain people. And these expectations, we all know, lead to disappointments. Whether or not you're ready to admit, all of us are hypocrites. We talk about a million things people around us could have done to make stuff work better, but deep down, don't we know that we're no better?

It's human nature. It's natural to think that we know things better than others. It's natural to feel like our opinion makes more sense than everybody else's. It's natural to have faith in our idea rather than others'. But what most of us don't seem to realize is that everybody else feels the same way as naturally as we do. Everybody is the hero of their own story, and they wouldn't like to be treated otherwise.

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