Friday, 26 June 2015


Everybody make mistakes. Some bigger than the others. Making a mistake doesn't mean you're a loser. It only means you're human.

Life is a long drive. And we are bound to make wrong turns. To take wrong paths. To reach wrong places.To get lost. But then we find our way back. We get back to right route, and we keep going. We often regret our choices, but trust me, everything that happens, happens for our good. We blame ourselves, we get frustrated. We separate ourselves from our loved ones, thinking that the little mistake made by us would probably be repeated again, and that we don't deserve them. But trust me, that only makes things worse. That, infact is worse than the mistake you had made. 

I read a book recently. It teared me up. The boy and the girl had made mistakes. And they fought. They broke up. The pain they had to go through is barely describable. And then they realized that their love was too much to let go. They realized that those mistakes had actually done them good. And also that those mistakes weren't worth losing their love. Moreover, what was done was done, and it could not be changed. All that mattered was the regret, and both of them regretted enough.

If we sulk all the time thinking about a hundred thousand things you could've done or words you could've told, there will be nothing left in our lives other than the "could've"s. All we care about to make things better is 'now' but most of us fail to realize that. 

Whilst reading the book, the only thing that ran through my mind was that if each of the characters looked from the other person's point of view, it wouldn't have come this far. 
Just start looking for what could go right than what went wrong. As simple as that. 

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