Friday, 22 May 2015

Why life?

Life is such a confusion. It's like you have it all planned, but yet you have no idea what to do. It's like you have all the time in the world but yet you want more. It's like you have a hell lot of friends but you don't know whom to turn to.

It's just a constant battle between reality and imagination. A battle between yourself and the rest of the world. Sometimes I feel the very concept of our busy lives funny. We're just a speck of dust compared to the universe and I feel like there is literally no point in struggling so hard building up our future and finally settle in the graveyard. I just wonder: why? Why do we have to face so many things? Why do we have to go through so much? Why do we have to even survive? Why are people even afraid of doomsday? Isn't it really peaceful to not exist at all? Are the tiny little moments of joy and happiness worth all this mess?

The list of questions is endless. It just keeps going on forever. Some questions just don't have answers. And trying to find their answers give you nothing but a headache. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I'm insane to think this way. I wonder if everyone around me wonder about such stuff. Well that was a lot of 'wonder's :D

I recently watched a movie called 'My Sister's Keeper' starring Cameron Diaz. It had me in tears. The cancer patient in that movie wanted to be liberated. Oh no, we're getting back to the 'life and death' topic again! 

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