Friday, 22 May 2015


Sometimes there is just too much change in life. I feel no shame in admitting I hate too many changes. I do agree change is necessary, but it's not always pleasant.

People change, things change, situations change, places change, everything changes. Everything.

You plan something and all your plans are shattered due to some sudden change.
You're good friends with someone and then their life changes and so does your role in it.

Change just makes your life a mess, at most times. But the same change teaches us to walk through our troubles. Change, is just something we can't really judge. Even though it is said that everything that happens if for our own good, I'm never convinced that change is always good. 

Like everything else in the world, change has it's pros and cons. 

One says she doesn't like change becausshe's already got attached to those around her and it takes time for her to love those new things around her! Well it is true. Half our life is spent adapting to changes around us. And by the time we manage to completely adapt ourselves, there's another change right before us ready to freak us out. 

Another one said: Change ? :D full of happiness ! Obvio coz mood swings every now n then .:D :")

One answer that pleased me most was: Change. My views about change tend to alter. I'm not the kind of person who is fond of changed unless it's for the better. I need a lot of time to get accustomed to a thing that has changed. Change, even in a positive manner is tough for me. I dislike change. I like routine. I like being boring. I'm used to it. It's the way I am.

That answer reminds me of something. Probably Quentin Jacobsen, from Paper Towns. He said something about liking routine, about liking boredom, much unlike Margo Roth Spiegelman. Well, you'd understand that only if yo read or watch Paper Towns. I'm presently in a dilemma whether to watch it or not, because generally movies that are made based on books, disappoint those who have first read the book. I didn't watch TFIOS for the same reason. 

Getting back to change, I think the most important change, is change in priorities. Our riorities keep changing all the time. Something we once craved about, might no longer mean anything to us. Someone whose existence you didn't even acknowledge, might now mean the world to you.

But no matter what, it is important to realize that change, is meant to be, and you have no choice rather than to accept it, for that's the best way to cope with it. Fighting against it, at almost all times, only makes things worse. 

Why life?

Life is such a confusion. It's like you have it all planned, but yet you have no idea what to do. It's like you have all the time in the world but yet you want more. It's like you have a hell lot of friends but you don't know whom to turn to.

It's just a constant battle between reality and imagination. A battle between yourself and the rest of the world. Sometimes I feel the very concept of our busy lives funny. We're just a speck of dust compared to the universe and I feel like there is literally no point in struggling so hard building up our future and finally settle in the graveyard. I just wonder: why? Why do we have to face so many things? Why do we have to go through so much? Why do we have to even survive? Why are people even afraid of doomsday? Isn't it really peaceful to not exist at all? Are the tiny little moments of joy and happiness worth all this mess?

The list of questions is endless. It just keeps going on forever. Some questions just don't have answers. And trying to find their answers give you nothing but a headache. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I'm insane to think this way. I wonder if everyone around me wonder about such stuff. Well that was a lot of 'wonder's :D

I recently watched a movie called 'My Sister's Keeper' starring Cameron Diaz. It had me in tears. The cancer patient in that movie wanted to be liberated. Oh no, we're getting back to the 'life and death' topic again! 

Monday, 18 May 2015

Shoutout to my twitter :P

So.. hey guys :)
It's not like I haven't had any ideas to blog about.. It's just that I don't have enough time, and well, patience haha. So... whatsoever pops up into my head, I tweet about it. So I was wondering if you like to check my twitter page once in a while.
Click here to go to my twitter profile.

Have a wonderful week ahead!
Lots of Love.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Assumptions (not really)

What kind of thoughts flash into your mind when you read the title of this post?
To me, I remember certain assumptions I made in life, or some of my friends who assume things and start worrying about them, when they're not even close to happening.

I assumed that my parents knew nothing about me. I was pretty much sure about that, actually. I thought I was extremely good at hiding emotions. I always thought I was very patient and short-tempered was a phrase that wouldn't describe me anytime in my life. But my assumptions turned out to be quite wrong. I am probably not comfortable to explain how or why in detail right now, but I had been wrong.

I'm not as patient as I think I am. I get restless very soon. But I don't really show it out. I'm stubborn. Yes, I'm quite stubborn but my school friends will never agree to it. I wonder why but I feel my true qualities are showing out <i>now</i>. By 'now', I mean in the past few weeks. A year ago, my passion for writing wasn't even half of what I've developed right now(it's less now too, though). I'm more honest with my words these days. Oh well, don't get the wrong meaning. I don't mean that I've not been honest all my life xD I mean, I've become more expressive. I don't hide many things. I just speak out casually. There's nothing on my mind which is not known to <i>anyone</i>. But well, at the same time, there is nobody who knows everything on my mind.

Is it the same with you? As far as I know, many of you have one of your parents or your siblings as your best friend and you keep them updated with every single detail in the sketch of your life. I don't treat anyone like that. I'm not sure if it's because i'm not <i>that</i> comfortable with anyone. Or maybe I don't trust anyone like that. Sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

I have no idea why I'm writing this right now. I've drifted from Assumptions to My Life, and I'd like to apologize for that.