Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Beneath that smile.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to lie to yourself. Lie, that everything will be fine. Lie, that whatsoever problems you face will eventually fade away. Lie, that just smiling would wipe out all your troubles.

In fact it does help, for the momentary happiness but later on you find yourself sobbing again.

A lot of posititvity has been spreading all around Google Plus and Wattpad these days, inspiring me too to write something about it. Everybody tells you that you're not alone. Everybody lens you a shoulder to cry on. Everybody encourages you to smile through your problems, but what they don't teach you, is to actually accept the situation as it is, and smile whilst trying to make the situation better.

If you just sit in front of Lord Ganesha's idol all day, you can't expect an A on your exam. Well, you should probably pray a little, but you sure should spend some time going through your text book.
Similarly, just smiling and pretending that things are going to be fine will not help. You should try your level best to do something about it, and that would even give you confidence that your hardwork can't go in vain, and hence your problems will definitely disappear someday.

One of the most crucial problems we face today, is too much of sympathy. Share your sorrow with people, and they sympathize. Not everybody, but some do. You should be smart enough to choose whom you can share your problems with. And also limit the number of people whom you share 'em with.

Whenever you feel bad about your fate, remember, you would never agree to exchange your problems for anybody else's. Only when you look deep into their life, far beneath that fake-smile on their lips, will you realize what kind of issues they have to deal with in their lives.

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