Saturday, 18 July 2015

Who says you can't learn stuff from a ceiling?

The power went off. My eyes took a moment to get adjusted to the darkness in the room. I lay on my back, desperately tugging at the bedspread, for I couldn't afford to miss even a small part of the movie I was watching on the television. Something bright on the ceiling caught my eye. It was Saturn. I bet you're starting to wonder where I'm going with this but trust me, I did see Saturn... Well, the radium sticker of planet Saturn!

When I was younger, my parents and I used to sleep in that room, and at that time, I had got one of those Radium Sky Stickers set. So basically, I have stickers of stars, planets and satellites on the ceiling, which glow in the dark. Memories of me taking all my friends into the room and switching off the light to show them the mini-Universe in my house flashed in my mind, and I couldn't help but smile. I had almost forgotten that these things were still there in the room. All these years, they have been glowing every night and I've barely enjoyed watching them.

And as always, I started relating it all to something very familiar, that was the topic of movie I was currently watching. We are often so busy with out lives, that we ignore our very own self. We tend to forget those little things we once enjoyed to do. We forget things that once made our day. We forget the hidden talents we've got.. those hobbies that gave us so much happiness. We're always hunting for something new. We're greedy. I don't say it's wrong, but you see, not at the cost of something you're experiencing right now. Completing one thing is probably better than leaving two unfinished.

I think I should do the same. What have I even gained by creating an account on every site or social network I see? Do I use even one thing whole-heartedly? Probably not. Sometimes I tweet. Something I write a blogspost like this. Sometimes I post something on my Facebook timeline or make an edit for Google Plus. Sometimes I just write in a book. Or sometimes I even record a Voice Blog and post it on my Tumblr. Uh, yes. If you haven't noticed already, I'm an internet addicted freak. Remind me why I keep getting off-track all the time? I'd better shut up.