Generator, Operator and Destroyer.
Isn't that ridiculous? Sometimes I just wonder why do I even believe in God. It's just an abstract concept that makes absolutely no sense. Someone up there, monitering everything that's going on, keeping a track of everybody's lives, leave alone humans! Don't you think it's a mere waste of time to believe in something that doesn't eve have a proof of it's existion? Well, if you remind me about those ancient scriptures and Lord Rama and Krishna, let me tell you that it's senseless to believe i those tales just by seeing some markings on those big rocks out there. And even if they happen to be true, they were just humans. Normal humans, with ofcourse, extraordinary strength and courage and what not. If there's really someone up there, your so-called 'God', why are brutal crimes still being commited? Why are the innocent put behind bars, and why are the criminals set free? Why are the poor starving?
The concept of God, must have originated with the need to control people. To rise a fear in them. To get kids to sleep, to get men to work hard, to get people to be loyal and honest. Had that man, who introduced this, been alive today, he'd die of regret, for the concept of God, has lead to whole new misery today. Sacrificing innocent living beings' lives for the pleasure of God? Getting your mouths slit, for God's blessings? Walking on buring coal, to wash your sins?
It's not just about hurthing ourselves or others. It's also about damaging our very own home, our very own surroundings, our very own planet. The amount of pollution each of those 'spiritual' rituals release, the amount of non-biodegradable waste that remains it the river banks and beach shores after every Ganesh Chathurthi and what not. Is this what we are living for? To believe in sick taboos? To encourage all these activities? What are we getting educated for, ladies and gentelemen? Can't we pay back a little to the world that has given us everything we need to survive? We can. Indeed. But unfortuately, we are too busy. Busy building our own future, so much, that we tend to forget that the future we are making so many plans for, is already fading away.
Wake up, fellow citizens. Wake up.